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Forestry in Bangladesh

  ump to navigation Jump to search Part of a series on Wildlife  of  Bangladesh show Biodiversity show Conservation show Organizations show Related topics v t e Wood  is the main  fuel  for cooking and other domestic requirements. It is not surprising that  population pressure  has had an adverse effect on the indigenous  forests . By 1980 only about 16 percent of the land was forested, and forests had all but  disappeared  from the densely populated and intensively cultivated deltaic plain. Aid organizations in the mid-1980s began looking into the possibility of stimulating small-scale forestry to restore a resource for which there was no affordable substitute.  Bangladesh Forest Research Institute  (BFRI) is the government organization under  Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change  for research in this sector which was established in 1955 at Sholoshahar,  Chittagong  city. [1] The largest areas of forest are in the  Chittagong Hill Tracts  and the  Sundarbans . The  everg